Parricide in a sentence as a noun

I believe the prescribed punishment for parricide was not the bizarre menagerie suggested by the author but simply a cat, a cock, and the convicted.

No need for fiction Colin, I'm sure you've heard of the Sabine women:"[They], from the outrage on whom the war originated, with hair dishevelled and garments rent, the timidity of their sex being overcome by such dreadful scenes, had the courage to throw themselves amid the flying weapons, and making a rush across, to part the incensed armies, and assuage their fury; imploring their fathers on the one side, their husbands on the other, 'that as fathers-in-law and sons-in-law they would not contaminate each other with impious blood, nor stain their offspring with parricide, the one their grandchildren, the other their children.

Parricide definitions


someone who kills his or her parent


the murder of your own father or mother