Liquidate in a sentence as a verb

If they can liquidate 100% of their assets that's only enough to pay back 59% of their debts.

[0] The other reason public companies go private is to liquidate, but that's clearly not his goal.

It might take a few years, but it's perfectly possible to liquidate most such positions without destroying them, and it's done routinely.

Such repeated situations are quite valid reasons to require them to cease operating and liquidate all assets in order to pay out their debts.

Unless you're investing in a tax-advantaged account, if you have a $10k basis in a stock/fund and liquidate it for $20k, you just realized a $10k gain regardless of what subsequently happens to that $20k.

The trustee looks diligently for other options to liquidate 200k BTC, finds that the Bitcoin ecosystem is a hive of scum and villainy, and says that he's willing to consider the consortium's offer.

We need to liquidate it into money to get anywhere, and The People aren't too happy about the filthy capitalist stench of suddenly owning that much stock anyhow, so they immediately sell it all.

Regrettably, we did little to address the problem.> ... However, should contingent capital bonds prove insufficient, we should allow large institutions to fail and, if assessed by regulators as too interconnected to liquidate quickly, be taken into a special bankruptcy facility, whereupon the regulator would be granted access to taxpayer funds for "debtor-in-possession financing" of the failed institution.

Liquidate definitions


get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing; "The mafia liquidated the informer"; "the double agent was neutralized"

See also: neutralize neutralise waste


eliminate by paying off (debts)


convert into cash; "I had to liquidate my holdings to pay off my ex-husband"


settle the affairs of by determining the debts and applying the assets to pay them off; "liquidate a company"