Neutralize in a sentence as a verb

How long do you imagine it would take for the US to find and neutralize him?

Or you have to believe that you can neutralize an evil AI before it destroys humanity.

It is not at all uncommon for someone of either gender to trump up a harassment claim to neutralize a rival.

Capital is not entering the USA. This type of work puts bread on the table for me. I'm in Dubai right now meeting people who need to encapsulate and neutralize the US-caused problems in their lives.

Any and all of the above are intended by neutralize, and I think it's being used precisely rather than euphemistically.

Monopolies and oligopolies neutralize the market's usual power to straighten things out.

Batmen neutralize the Jokers' ability to prevent volunteers, and are willing to volunteer themselves.

So if I write a new shell called rash, that executes anything in an env var between, say, backticks, and install it as /bin/sh, it's Apache's job to neutralize backticks in untrusted data?

To say that the white house deliberately threw up a petition system to actively "neutralize" inconvenient opinions is just ridiculous, sorry.

Identify effective advocates of the national security state and neutralize them.

So here's my idea of how to approach comments you guys feel are putting people down unfairly: neutralize the meanness by following up that very mean comment by saying something like "I don't think you're being fair, I think author of the post has made something really cool because $y".

The arguments are the same as today: We don't want more controls and oversight, because our enemies could use our limitations against us to neutralize our capability, and in any case strict military discipline and comprehensive personnel screening will eliminate abuse.

In the absence of an official system of justice, people generally become much more careful around each other, because running afoul of someone may lead to a duel or give rise to a vendetta, and because, in the absence of jails, punishments tend become draconian, coming to include dispossession, banishment, and even death, which are all intended to deter and to neutralize rather than to punish.

Somewhere in the chain someone inadvertently gets word to the other 3-letter agencies, and the effect is magnified.... and every time it's escalated, people figure "well, the people below me wouldn't have escalated unless they had reason to" ... while at the same time thinking, "well, I'm not sure, but I'm also not going to be the scapegoat if I fail to neutralize a potential attack and something does happen.

Neutralize definitions


make politically neutral and thus inoffensive; "The treaty neutralized the small republic"


make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of; "Her optimism neutralizes his gloom"; "This action will negate the effect of my efforts"

See also: neutralise nullify negate


oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions; "This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues"

See also: counteract countervail counterbalance


get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing; "The mafia liquidated the informer"; "the double agent was neutralized"

See also: neutralise liquidate waste


make incapable of military action

See also: neutralise


make chemically neutral; "She neutralized the solution"

See also: neutralise