Legitimatize in a sentence as a verb

Posts like these are low-key attempts for Quillette to legitimatize itself.

Call me crazy, but is it possible CNN wants to further legitimatize high rents in large cities?

I disagree, giving certain folks a platform only raises them up and legitimatizes them.

The hazy miasma visions of a perfect past can legitimatize themselves, in some, with far far less than 10 to 20 years.

A president who is not a president is treated as one, and it legitimatizes his hateful and ignorant words.

Do you really think the airing employees private info was legitimatized by Sony's bad karma?

If anything, their plan to legitimatize their business was a reaction to the inevitable raid, not the other way around.

If it doesn't matter, then we have to worry about whether we've somehow legitimatized or supported the horrible person.

It's similar to how "christian science" or "scientology" appropriated the good name of science to legitimatize themselves in the eyes of the public.

A monthly subscription is not so bad, but when this becomes the normal way to buy things from the big names it legitimatizes the practice so a scammer can get their hands into your pocket forever.

Then Fox News legitimatized Trump into a political figure by giving him a platform to attack Obama and de-legitimatize him as a President.

Misuse and abuse of the concept of "terror".It is high time for American public to realize that this "terror" rhetoric is just an abusive device to legitimatize the violation of very fundamental human rights.

And I'm lucky to be working in comics, rather than words, where there's a significant tradition of "underground" publishing that's become legitimatized into "small-press" and "independent" publishing, rather than an epithet like "vanity press".‘

Legitimatize definitions


make legal; "Marijuana should be legalized"

See also: legalize legalise decriminalize decriminalise legitimize legitimise legitimate legitimatise