Legitimize in a sentence as a verb

Does that legitimize their making a target of you?

"They don't want to legitimize you or give you any publicity.

It seems to me that calling scam behavior a "dark design pattern" just serves to legitimize it.

Responses like these just legitimize the idea that privacy is about hiding things.

It wasn't needed to legitimize the author's point, and if anything comes across as technically naive.

If they called themselves communist, it was to legitimize themselves.

I think they're helping to romanticize the web, or maybe just highlight and help legitimize the beauty that's already there.

It's a disguised way to legitimize "dive-into-coding" with no proper analysis and design.

There's no reason to legitimize nvidia's proprietary nonsense, it just enables their bad behavior.

I predict that this purported effort to curb bad behavior will in fact attempt to legitimize the very bad behavior most of us find contemptable.

While the US Constitution marks these programs as illegal, my government argues that secret court rulings, which the world is not permitted to see, somehow legitimize an illegal affair.

Disregard the concerns raised as those of a vocal minority, while the overwhelming majority of their users are apathetic about Rice's appointment; refuse to legitimize the concerns by publicly acknowledging them and wait for the whole thing to blow over;2.

Legitimize definitions


make legal; "Marijuana should be legalized"

See also: legalize legalise decriminalize decriminalise legitimise legitimate legitimatize legitimatise