Legitimise in a sentence as a verb

When MT-Gox accept it this should legitimise it either way...

Well, of course - to say otherwise would be to legitimise Snowden.

So to head that off, they've invented this legal circus show to legitimise the whole thing.

If they did legitimise, and -- far more importantly -- cure sick patients, great!

My first thought at this story was that the action serves to legitimise bitcoin as a means of exchange.

We didn't try to legitimise it by tearing up principles that applied to normal people.

Even if Assange's show doesn't contribute to this, he still serves to legitimise the rest of the channel.

This rant is a piece of polemic that only serves to legitimise their screw up. Not selling cheap dedi's makes them entirely redundant.

The idea that it is capable of useful things that regular currency can't do helps to legitimise it.

It does delegitimise the extremely severe nature of the illness.

Using child abuse arguments to legitimise legislation about porn is just disgusting.

In recent history, during the first Gulf war, we could read how Iraqi soldiers pulled infants from incubators in Kuwait City, turned out to be false, but was part of legitimise the war.

If they try to regulate Bitcoin, the legitimise it as a currency and invite the masses to use it, thus diminishing the power of their fiat currencies, which is what they were trying to avoid in the first place...

I see how you can play *****'s advocate and make an argument of legitimacy as you have, but that doesn't legitimise using anti-terrorism laws for counter-intelligence.

And so becoming gangsters was something many of them chose because they found other avenues inaccessible, and for some of them once they had sufficient success that meant looking for ways to legitimise their businesses to various degrees.

`The government today has made a significant step forward in preventing rapists using rape pornography to legitimise and strategise their crimes and, more broadly, in challenging the eroticisation of violence against women and girls`What?

Legitimise definitions


make legal; "Marijuana should be legalized"

See also: legalize legalise decriminalize decriminalise legitimize legitimate legitimatize legitimatise