Aloe in a sentence as a noun

Certain carbs, like aloe drinks, better than sugar per se.

I read when this started you should mix it with aloe vera or some such so your skin doesn't dry out.

I suppose you could make your own with aloe vera and some everclear from the liquor store.

My three favorite juices to travel with are aloe juice, Odwalla Superfood, and strong ginger beer.

If you google for studies on the efficacy of, say, aloe vera for treating burns, you will see that pretty easily.

First hand sanitizer went, then rubbing alcohol and aloe vera later.

Put some aloe vera in that cauldron, or your skin's oils will be stripped off like paint and then viruses, fungi and bacteria will move in to their new home.

Like adding 6 blades and an aloe strip to a disposable shaver is additive, but pushing a straight razor is disruptive.

Whereas no one is dying from *********, aloe, cranberry juice, etc. Virtually all of the plant deaths in the US are from people eating poisonous plants, either accidentally or to commit *******.

Apparently if you mix it with vegetable glycerin you can create your own ersatz hand sanitizer?I was thinking you could create your own rubbing alcohol by mixing water, sugar, and yeast, distill it over your stove, and then combine it with aloe vera to create hand sanitizer, but that's probably less preferable than using store-bought ingredients that are more consistent.

Aloe definitions


succulent plants having rosettes of leaves usually with fiber like hemp and spikes of showy flowers; found chiefly in Africa