Jeopardize in a sentence as a verb

"He told me the issue was very serious because it could jeopardize Transvideos contract with Google and potentially lead to 60 people losing their jobs.

This may qualify as fair use, and in any case it's not like this is going to jeopardize sales of the 29 year-old Super Mario Bros or any of it's derivatives.

The ringleader was able to get five or six key technical employees to mutiny with him, and that would have been sufficient to jeopardize ongoing operations.

In fact, it might jeopardize a retailer's merchant account if the acquiring bank found out the merchant were running cloned cards!The best way to counter a bulky wallet is to not add bulk in the first place.

How the **** can that be logically extended to the idea that disclosing the criteria to get on the "**** list" or "no fly list" jeopardizes our national security interests?

Worth mentioning here that practical collision attacks do not automatically jeopardize all security protocols that depend on the hash.

From the movie "The Great Escape": "Ex-POWs asked filmmakers to exclude details about the help they received from their home countries, such as maps, papers, and tools hidden in gift packages, lest it jeopardize future POW escapes.

Qwest was allegedly the lone holdout, despite threats from the NSA that their refusal to cooperate may jeopardize future government contracts,[10] a decision which has earned them praise from those who oppose the NSA program.

In some jurisdictions, communicating with your lawyer over a company-owned channel might jeopardize your attorney-client privilege; as I say, the law is evolving in that area.

I can see why you'd think that, but I was totally polite and respectful to the immigration officer at all times -- like I said, I'm a very nervous immigrant, so I would never do anything to jeopardize my processing.

In signing the agreement, web companies are pledging to identify and prevent the transmission of information that Chinese authorities deem objectionable, including information that breaks laws or spreads superstition or obscenity, or that may jeopardize state security and disrupt social stability.

I'm not saying virtualization or cloud computing is a fad by any measure, but how does a company rationalize rebuilding old tech with the risk that it may be the wrong path/choice or jeopardize a working model?I know little of IBM and cant say I'm part of the corporate/enterprise market but that fact that IBM has "old iron" in their portfolio seems to be less concerning for their customers and more of a perception issue among the media.

Jeopardize definitions


pose a threat to; present a danger to; "The pollution is endangering the crops"

See also: endanger jeopardise menace threaten imperil peril


put at risk; "I will stake my good reputation for this"

See also: venture hazard adventure stake