Jeopardise in a sentence as a verb

" Turns out they were willing to jeopardise it all.

Doing so would jeopardise your benefits, and possibly leave you homeless if you were found out.

It got to the point that it started to jeopardise my work and therefore my ability to feed and clothe myself.

That would jeopardise the "overall architecture more simpler" which is the selling point of the article.

Don't get too excited just yet- they might just be making dev hardware for now. Nokia's "all in" on WP means that they have a great hardware partner for the time being, I'm not sure they'd want to jeopardise that just yet.

It seems a bit improbable that Feynman would have done that to himself, knowing that it could jeopardise his participation in other committees/projects/areas that were of interest to him.

Someone who drives 100k miles/year will on average by a safer driver than someone who drives 10k, both due to a wider experience base and by being far less likely to do something to jeopardise their license/insurance and hence their livelihood.

Reject the insidious pressures in society that would blunt your critical faculties to all that is happening around you, that would caution silence in the face of injustice, lest you jeopardise your chances of self-promotion and self-advancement.

Is it so bad, the stench of automatic dependency injection, it overcomes all other beneficial features of Angular, it would jeopardise it's future as a web framework, such that it would lose compatibility with future browsers and your web app built in angular will stop working, with no support available?

Jeopardise definitions


pose a threat to; present a danger to; "The pollution is endangering the crops"

See also: endanger jeopardize menace threaten imperil peril