Stake in a sentence as a noun

"Mistake 7: Telling a half-truth" should be called "lying.

In survival mode, we will all lie, cheat or steal because our survival is at stake.

Don't interview the stake holders of the company, they don't use the software like their employees do.

There is no equity stake, there's no debt, there's no guarantee of future exclusive rights to the headsets.

"Mistake 3: Not being explicit about hacks" should be re-written, "Being Dishonest.

Now that they can do anything they want with digital pricing, they're applying the stake in all other ebook retailers hearts.

Even if you manage to keep a half-decent financial stake, you can lose further once you are bounced from the company in this.

If Google's plan is to leave the high-end of smartphones to its Android "partners" and stake out the low end with Motorola, that seems pretty smart.

The line can sometimes be tricky to draw and can require careful and fair-minded judgments given the interests at stake.

Stake in a sentence as a verb

Please stop writing provocative statements and behaving as if the sky is falling on top of your head and the very fiber of our being is at stake.

There's owning up to mistakes, which is very "trendy" right now, and then there's being a straight up terrible, unethical, incompetent person.

If you're going to make that statement, at least include that you have a much larger equity stake in the company - you're not sacrificing yourself completely!2.

Arrington has often said that transparency and full disclosure keep things above-board when his blog writes about companies he has some financial stake in.

Check with a lawyer about the security of your own stake and make sure you are good with the business guy, because the CTO has probably been whispering poison in his ear about you.

In any deal that really matters, it is usually a mistake to proceed without lawyers and it is an equally big mistake to give the lawyers sole discretion in how to do the project.

Legitimate banks don't get hacked because there are billions of dollars at stake for the banking institution, and their business literally depends on their ability to secure payments.

Such an investment would come with equity stakes and strings attached: strings which would likely not benefit Palmer, since competitors are usually unwilling to co-operate, even on something as cool as this.

If someone publishes sensational and link baity findings they should say, unequivocally, "I'm willing to stake my reputation on the idea this trend is real and will continue" or "These are just data and I'm not willing to say that they have any bearing on reality".Facebook may not have been right to dignify the initial post with a response, but I hope it works for the best.

Stake definitions


(law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something; "they have interests all over the world"; "a stake in the company's future"

See also: interest


a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track); "a pair of posts marked the goal"; "the corner of the lot was indicated by a stake"

See also: post


instrument of execution consisting of a vertical post that a victim is tied to for burning


the money risked on a gamble

See also: stakes wager


a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground


put at risk; "I will stake my good reputation for this"

See also: venture hazard adventure jeopardize


place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse"

See also: back gage game punt


mark with a stake; "stake out the path"

See also: post


tie or fasten to a stake; "stake your goat"


kill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole; "the enemies were impaled and left to die"

See also: impale