Isopod in a sentence as a noun

That isopod parasite is hardcore, I'll try to forget I read that bit.

If you dont have insurance, how do you pay for an "isopod" and a quarantine with a medical robot?

I understand the sentiment to a point, but isn’t it essentially impossible to get diseases from deep sea isopods?

I'm kinda disappointed, these aren't much larger than the giant isopods that you can buy at a well-stocked Asian grocery.

For example, I was interested if it's true that giant isopod could live for 5 years without food and couldn't find any credible information

Bad about isopod is that the tool does not appear to automatically delete resources in the cluster after they are deleted from the code, and instead, a delete function must be called manually.

Isopod definitions


any of various small terrestrial or aquatic crustaceans with seven pairs of legs adapted for crawling