Inventiveness in a sentence as a noun

Are you going to ban human inventiveness and forbid innovation? Good luck with that.

> and there is no nation on earth with the inventiveness found on such a massive scale as in America. Citation needed?

The humor / inventiveness of this question consists of trying to replicate the hand-drawn style using code.

Pley/Pleygo is trying to encourage inventiveness, with photo contests. Still, I'm happy with the service, and have recommended it to friends.

It'd amount to "The dude on stage is a brilliant speaker, which has nothing to do with inventiveness and clarity of thought, so I don't want to be a brilliant speaker." Nonsense.

Think if all this work - as well as that of the other side - and inventiveness were going towards productive pursuits, rather than blowing up other people and their things. Most everyone would be far better off.

It really besmirches their actual amazing record of inventiveness that they take rubbish like this forward. I hope these all get overturned.

I would still defend this patent's inventiveness but I fully agree that obviousness is quite subjective

What this is, is a publicity stunt to show off the individuality and inventiveness that this particular company wants to be known for. And for that reason alone, this deserves to exist.

It speaks of whimsy and cross-discipline inventiveness... beaten into submission by an unhappy "you did my job and now I have to clean up the mess" department.

Ironically a lot of the Isreali inventiveness was from the days when they didn't get automatic US military support. If you want to crush a country's R&D drive, simply give them shiny military toys for free.

Com/ Not a fan fiction, like HPMoR, but rather a lengthy novel about superheroes and supervillains that takes the subject seriously and with an incredible amount of inventiveness. It may sound lame, but just try it for a chapter or two.

It's really refreshing to see a company embrace their customer's inventiveness and tenacity rather than suing them for breaking their products.

What the author describes as inventiveness is really necessity borne of weakness. Only if human labor is relatively cheap would such an invention ever be considered.

Also just look at the burst of creativity, and inventiveness 2048 spawned. Now there are tons of derivative projects, each created by someone to tweak the mechanics and provide a new spin on the idea, ranging from simple tweaks, to full blown AIs, and even more advanced projects.

With low quality equipment but plenty of raw material, people would use their inventiveness to produce whatever the work required and whatever they or their extended families could use at home. Also they would fix tv's, radios, make antennas, etc.

It's really refreshing to see a family embrace their son's inventiveness and tenacity rather than reprimand the kid for breaking past the parental controls

How would this society develop, what would people do because they can do what they please all day, what would the influence on society's creativity and inventiveness be?" Basic income would negatively affect our current economic system" is not the right answer to that question.

The engine of the economy, however, is driven by entrepreneurship and inventiveness. I think that the sorts of people who bring these skills to the US are more likely to be sensitive to overbearing regulations and overeager policing.

Such market relationships are not necessarily evil or mean-in fact, they also include self- reliance, inventiveness, and individualism-but they do imply comparable benefits and prompt payments. When you are in the domain of market norms, you get what you pay for-thats just the way it is.

That said, Greeks in general are industrious and entrepreneurial, but we tend to channel our inventiveness on finding ways to avoid paying taxes. Personally i believed from the start that Greece should have exited the euro in order to revitalize its dormant economy.

They don't appreciate that it's a complicated creative endeavor that requires inventiveness and trade-offs and architecting and artistry. I think this might be one reason why Apple's products are perceived differently, because the aesthetics are more apparent and that clues people into some aspect of the complexity behind the software.

The most successful and fun cultures reward inventiveness and positive social contributions, and include some element of challenge and competition. But using money and markets to make decisions about the kinds of activities that are rewarded turns out to be an inefficient, short-sighted and often surreal way to manage what does and doesn't get valued.

The positive qualities of Silicon Valley culture, the can-do optimism, the inventiveness, the piratical willingness to upset the apple-carts of the established order have been supplanted by an orderly narrative of programmed success that can pull people into creating "disruptive" companies that are just better ways to pull eyeballs to ads. For a social group that talks about innovation, it's amazing how narrow the definition of innovation can seem.

Inventiveness definitions


the power of creative imagination

See also: ingeniousness ingenuity cleverness