Whimsy in a sentence as a noun

Computing has been full of whimsy from the beginning.

Forgot whimsy doesn't play on HN - too many literal thinkers.

_why just added flavor and whimsy to the community.

Or, at least, the reign of hyper-realism and hyper-whimsy in UI design.

The whimsy and quirkiness of the design elements were always impressive.

Gears of War has a little whimsy, too, though perhaps not enough for your tastes -- a chainsaw bayonet on the end of an assault rifle?

"Real customers" could also want him to work 24/7/365, and to respond immediately to their every demand and whimsy.

DHH and Zed Shaw are both famously outspoken and controversial, but the only thing why can be accused of is innocent whimsy.

At least, the games that kids played, anyway; I know Unreal Tournament and Doom and Quake were big, but looking back I think those games all had a whimsy to them as well.

> The second aspect of the original Mac that stands out today as Apple-like is putting just enough whimsy into the experience.

Now it looks so corporate and planned...... and I actually laughed when I read "Our last move was to tilt the exclamation point by 9 degrees, just to add a bit of whimsy".

If you can get past the notion that "no one in the world can use animated icons well", you might realize that these could be used in moderation to add a hint of whimsy to a site.

Indie games absolutely borrow from the old-school design mentality more than they do from the Halo mindset; I've seen more whimsy and fun in a single Humble Indie Bundle than I've seen appear on the Xbox 360 since its release.

And since neither of them are able to actually justify their reasons beyond some vapid and subjective claim of making the product "more delightful"Do you appreciate the irony that you just wrote a whole post about making decisions objectively, in which you have essentially dismissed designers as ignorants who just make arbitrary decisions according to their personal whimsy, based on a series of unsubstantiated claims, out-of-date stereotypes, and straw man arguments that any half-decent designer could have corrected for you in moments?Why would you think a designer would have no justification for a change beyond “it looks nice”?

Whimsy definitions


an odd or fanciful or capricious idea; "the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories"; "he had a whimsy about flying to the moon"; "whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it"

See also: notion whim whimsey


the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment; "I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory"

See also: flightiness arbitrariness whimsicality whimsey capriciousness