Ingenuity in a sentence as a noun

What did I miss - I thought we had industry, welfare, science and ingenuity.

It is a terrible thing to be impressed by but inmate ingenuity staggers the mind.

Honestly, even those in the link are impressive to me. Just think of where technology was at that point in time, and what ingenuity it took to create pictures of this quality.

People claimed for years that humans will always have some edge in chess, because they "understand" the game, or have "ingenuity", or something like that.

But at a different level it instills respect for the ingenuity and persistence of humans.

The worth of land is obvious and so it takes other competitive advantages besides ingenuity to close a big deal.

The "game" we're playing is going to pit my knowledge of anticompetitive market practices against your ingenuity.

[1]Regardless of their motivation, either with balloons or wires, the deep pockets and ingenuity of Google and Facebook will connect people who aren't.

With a bit of work and ingenuity, during certain decades, you could have made your whole neighbor's family disappear into Siberia practically overnight.

The aspiration that was being reflected there was that the US government could apply the same fervor, resources, and ingenuity to uplifting the poor that it had applied to WW1, WW2, and was then still applying to the Cold War.

The ability to incorporate technology into a solution is insignificant next to the power of human ingenuity.

If robots are doing an increasing amount of work, and some portion of today's robots are the result of our common ancestors' ingenuity, it's a really rough floor function on "what portion of robot labor should go to human X?".

When someone accepts gold as payment for some other commodity or service they are doing so under the assumption that the value will be stable because it takes at least X amount of time/labor/ingenuity/money to "create" more gold by mining it.

But things like this really bother me: "traditional engineering-driven approach to business, with its emphasis on perfection, longevity, pride in ingenuity and culture of deep-thinking put the country at a competitive disadvantage in the fast-moving new economy".

Ingenuity definitions


the power of creative imagination

See also: inventiveness ingeniousness cleverness


the property of being ingenious; "a plot of great ingenuity"; "the cleverness of its design"

See also: ingeniousness cleverness