Introspection in a sentence as a noun

I found the OP's style of introspection refreshing.

"I think a little less introspection and a little more extrospection might be in order.

Based on what he saw, after long introspection, he applied for conscientious objector status.

It also caused me to do a lot of introspection: I found myself, up until that point, becoming flat-out bored with "consuming" content.

Simply because everything is a hash and the language is incapable of doing any kind of introspection.

It is often through introspection and art that we can gain a better understanding of our fellow humans, that we can set aside hatred and bigotry.

In fact, someone who is using the drug for introspection is almost certainly getting more out of the experience than someone who is using the drug to explore the world.

Deleting out of embarrassment was probably you're best option, but this should make you really consider what another commenter said: "you might benefit from some introspection.

Some amount of introspection on how to be welcoming to everyone is good, but the constant drumbeat of articles on the "woman question" definitely increases my feelings of "otherness".

Introspection definitions


the contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct

See also: self-contemplation self-examination