Self-examination in a sentence as a noun

If it's us, then honest self-examination can reveal what we're doing wrong.

You can save yourself a ton of trouble if you do a self-examination every once in a while.

I attribute it to years of self-examination and introspection.

Not sure what it is...but it's the difference between knowing when to stick to something and knowing when to draw the opposite conclusions from your self-examination.

Plenty of sites were badly affected by that outage; it precipitated a lot of self-examination at some companies I know of.

Funny how it's only topics that require self-examination of the industry's perception of gender that aren't relevant.

Tenacity and study are certainly important in achieving your goals, but self-examination is crucial in determining if those goals are indeed worthwhile.

Reddit is not a single organism; the self-examination you refer to comprises many disgusted users, yelling at the people spouting **** who carry along regardless.

Stephen is an excellent example here: he has the sheer intellect and forwardness of self-examination to know it can't be beat without looking at all factors and wouldn't presume to say that it's solved with *****, or therapy, alone.

"100% of successful people subjected themselves to merciless self-examination?

It's not self-examination, it's taking action based on that self-examination, which is much more difficult to do...Most people don't want to face their shortcomings, but of those who do, even fewer actually take the action necessary for success...

Even the "research" cited is dubious:"The successful people we spoke with in business, entertainment, sports and the arts all had similar responses when faced with obstacles: they subjected themselves to fairly merciless self-examination that prompted reinvention of their goals and the methods by which they endeavored to acheive them.

"But if the point of this is to remove the need for redemptive truth, it doesn't work; the search for redemption through literature still tries to fulfill "the need that religion and philosophy have attempted to satisfy", it just tries to fulfill it without appealing to non-human entities:"For the Socratic idea of self-examination and self-knowledge, the literary intellectual substitutes the idea of enlarging the self by becoming acquainted with still more ways of being human.

Self-examination definitions


the contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct

See also: introspection self-contemplation