Repellent in a sentence as a noun

Yeah, so, if XP is based on psychobabble then that explains part of why it seems so repellent to lots of technical people.

Ah you see, no terrorist plots actually means that our tiger^Wterrorist repellent rock is working!

I personally find the "universe of knowledge" to attain an attraction, not a repellent.

Yes, some nerds are completely unattractive and girl-repellent.

You come across as a thoroughly repellent person who deserves to fail miserably.

Personally, I found his attitude repellent and his tone unjustified.

People describe leaving as trendy, as if leaving had something to do with other people as opposed to the sites' own repellent behavior.

Repellent in a sentence as an adjective

It turns out that removing the Uropygial gland from newly hatched ducklings resulted in their feathers being just as water-repellent as ducks that still had the gland.

The social inabilities that goes with programming is a repellent for everyone, but c'mon, we get to travel everywhere in the world, sit all day and watch gmail all the time.

It's interesting how ageism is repellent when we're discussing development jobs, but natural when we talk about politics.

Plus, culturally, demos are about as closed-source as you can get, so there's this natural repellent force between the hardcore Linux zealots and the hardcore demoscene geeks.

I've grown to see it as a kind of hack genre it can discuss social issues which readers might find boring or even repellent by creating a world so fantastic that the story's tempting anyway.

I used to think they were clever, but now we know they're such repellent scumbags willing to abuse public resources for private gain that it's actually a black mark against Y Combinator to have been partly responsible and holding dirty money.

And what could be more level-headed than to say that "[the matter at hand] makes me sick to my stomach"?Leaving snark aside, it seems telling that both your leveller's bias, and your repellent pride in same, are entirely compatible in your own mind with the sort of "let's all be grown-ups here, shall we?

Repellent definitions


a compound with which fabrics are treated to repel water

See also: repellant


a chemical substance that repels animals

See also: repellant


the power to repel; "she knew many repellents to his advances"

See also: repellant


serving or tending to repel; "he became rebarbative and prickly and spiteful"; "I find his obsequiousness repellent"

See also: rebarbative repellant


highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; "a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench"


incapable of absorbing or mixing with; "a water-repellent fabric"; "plastic highly resistant to steam and water"

See also: resistant