Ineptitude in a sentence as a noun

Combined with my ineptitude at cooking and address in Manhattan, we have why I eat one to three meals out a day.

To me the whole Mt. Gox mess is a reminder that there are enough bad actors in society to screw things up, and combine that with ineptitude and you have a recipe for this sort of event.

It does not matter what the circumstances, to fire someone in any sort of public setting is a since of profound ineptitude and immaturity.

It's also a missed opportunity: when a niche in the economy attracts ineptitude, that tells you there's a broken system possibly worth analyzing.

500 - Internal Server ErrorStop letting writers get away with technical ineptitude!

To outsiders, this attitude seems hyper-negative because it's difficult to comprehend the level of ineptitude found in federal government IT.

However, the complexity of software is almost entirely generated by human ineptitude.

And indeed, when I read up on the actual security practices, I discovered that on an alarmingly frequent basis, it is not our security measures that foil terrorists, but their sheer ineptitude.

If a single judge can wrongfully imprison 4,000 children - and not out of ineptitude, but for profit - then how can we possibly trust the rest of the judicial system not to convict innocent people of capital crimes?

It's hard to improve yourself if you're surrounded by incompetence, and if mistakes made out of ineptitude or negligence have no impact on your reputation, chances are you're not working on anything that matters.

I'm a fairly normal, caucasian, middle-class guy with a wife and two kids, no criminal record; and I am more fearful that I will be harmed by police criminality or ineptitude than by non-police criminals.

" Does this mean that only people at the helm of $1b+ companies are able to criticize Zynga's pathetic ineptitude?Not sure what your aggressive reply accomplishes; at least OP has sparked discussion to point out a major flaw and source of Zynga's downfall.

Ineptitude definitions


unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training

See also: awkwardness clumsiness ineptness maladroitness slowness


having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful; "the drill sergeant's intent was to convince all the recruits of their worthlessness"

See also: worthlessness