Helm in a sentence as a noun

Microsoft would have made money during it's Ballmer years, regardless of who was at the helm.

The first time one of those fizzles, the resulting fear will be much greater than it would have been, had Jobs been at the helm.

Our political system is deeply flawed and heading toward a cliff -- with both parties at the helm.

There is absolutely no evidence that Microsoft could have done both, regardless of who was at the helm.

Helm in a sentence as a verb

With Ballmer at the helm, steering Microsoft towards seemingly inevitable obsolescence, Microsoft appears destined to eventually join Wang, Sun, RIM, Nokia, and the other dead or soon-to-be-dead.

Half the discussions are folks opining on how poorly someone is running a business after digesting several years of Hacker News articles during their work hours at someone else's company, with no actual experience at the helm.

" Does this mean that only people at the helm of $1b+ companies are able to criticize Zynga's pathetic ineptitude?Not sure what your aggressive reply accomplishes; at least OP has sparked discussion to point out a major flaw and source of Zynga's downfall.

But assaults on privacy are but a symptom of a deeper malady as modern society increasingly believes that it can hand over massive forms of unchecked government to its politicians in the naive belief that such power can be used wisely if only we have right-thinking leaders at the helm.

Helm definitions


steering mechanism for a vessel; a mechanical device by which a vessel is steered


a position of leadership; "the President is at the helm of the Ship of State"


be at or take the helm of; "helm the ship"