Indentation in a sentence as a noun

Just do `now $ working on sub task` and you can easily see the indentation.

If you follow this reasoning I think you'd also have to shun line breaks and indentation.

For the sake of completeness, PEP8 actually says 'Use 4 spaces per indentation level'

But I'd be interested to see people try out "PHP with Python indentation syntax" and see how it works for them.

A little coloration and indentation would be great.

I think one of the reasons for developing Go were some hard-to-find bugs with the indentation of python code.

It makes for readable code even in curly brace languages like JS, Java, and C. In fact, I found the first curly brace example with the odd indentation jarring.

Some observers objected to Go's C-like block structure with braces, preferring the use of spaces for indentation, in the style of Python or Haskell.

If I use spaces for indentation, I don't even have to worry about my code looking different on different computers.

Why not just use indentation, perhaps highlighting only the currently focused expression?

Python has already shown that indentation is sufficient for readably delimiting nested blocks of code.

Multiple goto statements are good for multiple clean ups without adding indentation levels and without having artificially long logic ands.

Our position is therefore that, although spaces for indentation is nice for small programs, it doesn't scale well, and the bigger and more heterogeneous the code base, the more trouble it can cause.

The problem is not the diff but the "and besides that".You should make two different commits, changing indentation and changing a feature are different changes and should be tracked independently.

Using indentation to delimit code blocks in plain text has some problems when moving code to a different nesting level, but if you have a structure editor like this in which the indentation is only for display, that's not a problem.

Framework includes and resets Variable declarations colors, possibly specific widths Universal method declarations Standard global tags headings, p, a, ul, li, etc... Generic form styling, usually in a dedicated partial Layout container, header, content, footer Then to specific section styling Since Sass uses indentation, I indent everything in each section within a top level tag.

Indentation definitions


a concave cut into a surface or edge (as in a coastline)

See also: indenture


the formation of small pits in a surface as a consequence of corrosion

See also: pitting roughness


the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line

See also: indention indent indenture


the act of cutting into an edge with toothlike notches or angular incisions