Indemnification in a sentence as a noun

This has nothing to do with the takedown and indemnification sections.

Every user is still bound by the terms of the Apache license, including the patent indemnification clause which does not appear in those other licenses.

For example, when a big company asks my small company to indemnify them, I always limit the indemnification to whatever they paid for the work.

"As for licenses, I think Apache currently is best for "serious grown-up usage", no, what with the patent indemnification and all, or am I misinformed?

People do not have a right to go about in public, to and from notorious places, in a 2-ton death monster that requires licensure and indemnification to operate, anonymously.

The indemnification clause is definitely 100% boilerplate and used in most any site that allows user-generated content.

That "release" might include, hypothetically, an indemnification, a term which sounds almost synonymous to programmers.

In this model what the customer is paying for is - arguably - not software at all, but "peace of mind," indemnification, certification, the "somebody to sue" factor, support, etc. Red Hat are a good example of this latter model.

But a core OEM deal involving the licensing of IP that is at the core of your company obviously warrants significant lawyer review, especially if it involves joint development efforts, sweeping indemnification clauses that might trigger major liabilities, or other complications that require sophisticated handling of IP and other rights.

Indemnification definitions


a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury

See also: damages amends indemnity restitution redress


an act of compensation for actual loss or damage or for trouble and annoyance