Indemnify in a sentence as a verb

Google needs to get a few more patents and indemnify Android OEMs and maybe lob a few lawsuits at Bing etc.

Do you indemnify users of the platform in the event of breaches, data loss, bugs, etc.

If you agree to indemnify them against defamation claims, I'm sure lots of people would be happy to name names.

They also choose to not give you infinite storage space for free and choose to not indemnify you for copyright infringement when you send ripped mp3s as attachments.

Worse than that, the company may or may not choose to indemnify you for your personal costs in defending the lawsuit or in paying any resulting judgment.

Apple would be foolish to make a blanket commitment to indemnify all developers when its agreement with them says that all the risk falls on the developer.

Are they offering to indemnify the government in case they need healthcare, unemployment; their children need public education, etc?

"Apple does not indemnify its developers against patent claims so unless a suit is brought against Apple directly it doesn't technically need to do anything.

They could have always joined in and negotiated the rights to indemnify Android vendors in exchange for contributing a lot more towards the winning bid. Maybe the consortium would not have agreed to it -- we'll never know, because Google peremptorily declined to join in.

The prospective client wanted absurd things, like for me to indemnify them against any future IP litigation, whether I infringed on a patent knowingly or not.

This very likely means that the developers will stay the course with support from Apple, and that support almost has to include a private agreement to indemnify for this scenario to make sense.

It suggests that there's such significant project risk associated with employing you that the market forces you to self-indemnify for that risk upfront, which virtually no other service provider they use does.

A few years ago a potential client produced a similar contract, wherein they wanted me to indemnify them against any future litigation regarding possible copyright/patent infringement.

Indemnify definitions


secure against future loss, damage, or liability; give security for; "This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness"


make amends for; pay compensation for; "One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich"; "She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident"

See also: compensate recompense repair