Damages in a sentence as a noun

They wont reimburse her for damages, they say, and they do not insure against losses.

If they do anyway, you can sue them for punitive damages.

And that is why Oracle is reeling concerning its claimed damages in light of this ruling.

* Pedestrians are corrupt -- they throw themselves in front of your car then sue for damages.

If a car company sells you a car engine that bursts into flames, they're still held liable for damages.

Mr. Boies strains to offer various rationales for how Oracle might prove damages of this type, mostly tied to the idea that Google gained in time to market for its Android product by relying on the infringing materials.

This Groklaw piece does a splendid job of picking the high points from the critique that Google's lawyers have put together to decimate the report of Oracle's key damages expert.

On top of that and thus even worse, if that fault actually causes a problem, the entity that is active preventing your from fixing the problem is still not liable for any damages caused by that fault.

TED should allow sensitive topics, but to allow others to use TED manipulatively as a pawn in the larger political debate subverts their mission and damages their credibility.

It then used this report to send a demand letter to the midwest firm, claiming that their management of the construction project was inept and that it had to pay millions of dollars in damages on account of the delays in construction.

That case involved blatant theft of Oracle's software by TomorrowNow, an SAP subsidiary, and was so bad that SAP admitted liability up front such that the only issue to be tried was the amount of the damages suffered by Oracle.

In this context, under applicable law, Oracle may elect to get statutory damages of $150K for each of the infringements or it may elect to go after what are known as "infringer's profits" - meaning that it would ask the jury to award it damages measured by profits made by Google on account of the infringing acts.

One competitor can indeed sue another competitor for private damages and other relief if the other competitor is gaining an unfair competitive advantage by falsely advertising that its products or services do something that is material to the customer's decision to use that product or service.

Thousands of hours of billable time racked up and this process was maybe 10 or 15% done when I decided to do a very careful analysis of a relatively few key documents only, to put the story in a context that readily demonstrated the sham nature of the "delay damages report," to summarize everything in a 50-page write-up, and to give that to the partner in charge.

Damages definitions


a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury

See also: amends indemnity indemnification restitution redress