Idealization in a sentence as a noun

...between 120 km/h and 240 km/h wind drag is going to quadruple...\n\nYour figures here are an idealization.

I think you are presenting a pristine idealization of a free market that doesn't exist in the world.

They are themselves an idealization of the flow of fluids composed of discrete particles.

HN certainly has its fair share of startup circle jerkery and idealization, but the grandparent didn't come off as being a part of that.

The closeness of the individual to the idealization doesn't always change their want for the idealization.

Essentially the modern idea of human rights is an idealization of 18th century English law.

If they're unhappy in their current relationship, online fantasy is a form of escape and leads to eventual idealization.

At this point, the bending of facts to serve the idealization of Swartz and the demonization of Ortiz starts to seem like nothing more than throwing gasoline into the fire of an enraged lynch mob.

Modeling is necessarily idealization, and if you reject idealization, not much is left of the scientific method.

People often want what they are not, "The grass is always greener".There is an artificial idealization of a 'Man' and an idealization of a 'Woman' in almost all societies around the world.

And I don't think there's anything intrinsically wrong with a certain level of idealization and fantasy in abstract representations like Barbie and He-Man.

So the representation of kinesin taking deterministic, 100% processive steps is an absurd idealization.

Considering that SEC officials sat on their *** likely watching porn on the job while receiving multiple substantial complaints about Madoff indicates your naive asymmetric idealization involved in hypothetical market failure scenarios while excusing very real actual regulatory failures.\nThere is no utopia.

Idealization definitions


a portrayal of something as ideal; "the idealization of rural life was very misleading"

See also: idealisation glorification


(psychiatry) a defense mechanism that splits something you are ambivalent about into two representations--one good and one bad

See also: idealisation


something that exists only as an idea

See also: idealisation