Pristine in a sentence as an adjective

A haughty princess wanted to leave her pristine castle and explore the world.

I also wanted the postcard to show up at my sister's in pristine condition.

888 Brannan does not look anything like the pristine building pictured in the article.

Is there anyone here who can claim a pristine post history?This certainly applies to RMS as well.

A lot of the most successful people seem to have pristine careers and nothing bad to say about any company where they've worked.

No matter what happens next, any pristine standard is going to look like an overextended mess even in just a few years time.

Former industrial sites are often prized by their new owners because the land is usually quite pristine.

What sort of sadist wants 10 PSDs to open all at once?I miss the good old days when you could reboot your machine and everything was fresh and pristine and yours to mess up.

I have a 15 year old 80gb collection of pirated music - all full albums, all with pristine metadata and personalized genres.

The kind where you obliterate your city by triggering an apocalyptic wave of fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, and monster attacks, then time-warp it back to pristine condition by loading a saved game.

> 30 y/o virgins and other sexually frustrated nerds [...] the pristine, untouched nature of their junkFor someone who is offering a critique against inappropriate comments, what makes this ok?You've just ridiculed an entire group of people for what can be a very painful life circumstance, many of whom would never make or defend the kinds of comments you are criticizing.

Pristine definitions


completely free from dirt or contamination; "pristine mountain snow"


immaculately clean and unused; "handed her his pristine white handkerchief"