Glorification in a sentence as a noun

Ah, the glorification of your old, dead language.

Not to rain on the parade, but such glorification of "heroes" is... just awkward.

" Are you saying there is no amount of "evil labors" a man can do for which he deserves nothing but glorification for 24 hours?

The glorification and idolization of 'STL programming' was in sharp contrast with programmer's needs.

I think to really get at this you need to understand that eastern culture is not about glorification of the individual like western culture is.

The psychology of it is really, tangibly different - that's not glorification, that's just the facts here.> the people being fired have to live with the consequences.

We do have a very serious rape problem, and again, it is obviously not because of all the rape video games out there, or glorification of rape in our culture.

Crucially, I misread this paragraph as the kind of self-glorification that happens to be way too common among so-called "makers": > You see most people aren't hackers.

I do think Ayn Rand's glorification of self interest and people realizing their potential is awesome, and I understand how teenagers get swept up by her ideas.

It's becoming obnoxious — the glorification of obnoxiousness.

However, any critic that dared to give a bad review or even mention the word "propaganda" was attacked by countless posters that were shouting how he is a "damned liberal" and how the soldiers "die for [him] everyday to protect [his] freedom".I do not understand the glorification of soldiers and I probably never will.

Glorification definitions


a state of high honor; "he valued glory above life itself"

See also: glory


a portrayal of something as ideal; "the idealization of rural life was very misleading"

See also: idealization idealisation


the act of glorifying (as in worship); "the glorification of God"