Iconoclastic in a sentence as an adjective

"The panel acted as if that were an iconoclastic, even blasphemous thing to say.

" I appreciate an iconoclastic spirit, but not one based on ignorance.

It may seem anachronistic or iconoclastic, but I appreciate this about the BSDs, as well.

He had a lot of very thought provoking and iconoclastic things to say about OSS and the OSS movement that I found very interesting.

Again, I can't be sure b/c I haven't read it but the guy assumes an outsider, iconoclastic stance in almost everything I have read.

Which, pretty much by definition, means the average opinion has become much more hostile to iconoclastic thoughts.

It's just that the people who only care about personal wealth rarely make it into history books, whereas the iconoclastic scientists frequently do.

What was once anti-establishment has become established, and an iconoclastic anti-brand has become the most powerful brand of its kind.

I like C# and a lot of my career has been .NET work, but I detest this sanctimonious attitude .NET devs cop sometimes, like they're being iconoclastic or rebellious for using the MS stack.

I find it endearing, alternating between slightly pretentious and iconoclastic.

This serves as good evidence for anyone who wonders if Portland is truly as idiosyncratic, iconoclastic, or just plain insane as it is depicted in the television series Portlandia.

So far, I have come across government actions against expressing anti-religious, anti-national, iconoclastic sentiments: all thought-crimes.

Rather than observations leading naturally to a thesis, the iconoclastic writer starts with a popular opinion and inverts it into a thesis as the first step--"hey what if instead of reducing friction like everyone says, we should be creating friction??

Iconoclastic definitions


characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions


destructive of images used in religious worship; said of religions, such as Islam, in which the representation of living things is prohibited