Thesis in a sentence as a noun

Such an oversight wouldn't be allowed in a PhD thesis defense.

Evidence against that thesis is that password of one person that I've asked is not in the list.

Oftentimes I'll just grab 4000 or so machines and run a MapReduce to test out some hypothesis.

" but that's not a thesis supported by the original paper.

Mike Rowe cited a welder's experience as a counterexample of my thesis.

I bet the grad student involved is celebrating now that they can finally submit their thesis

I spent a very enjoyable few weeks implementing my PhD thesis for these customers.

When you hire based on employee networks, your whole hiring thesis is that employees "drag other employees along".

The thesis of the article is pretty obvious: Sugar is toxic in the amounts found in a typical western diet.

Your average college professor isn't going to learn how to use a version control system to suggest changes to his student's thesis-in-progress.

If it were a thesis it would probably be trying to explain a solution to some sort of problem instead of describing a made up solution to a made up problem.

Forcing myself to go back to that paragraph right there until I understood it.> No, you are not reading a thesis, you are reading the angular docs apparently.

Cliches like this are OK. What really annoys me is that the top rated comment is invariably a straight-forward contradiction of the original article's thesis.

It's up to you to set limits on the amount of time you're willing to spend working, and most new hires at Google are used to being limited by "the amount of work my boss/professor/thesis advisor throws at me", not by the number of hours in the day.

> Myth #4 - Functional programming doesn't support variable assignment > [...] > According to Church's thesis, all programming languages > are computationally equivalent.

In graduate school, my thesis focused on the Southeast US from Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, investigating the role religion played in the development, acceptance, and perpetuation of the Souths attitudes and behaviors toward race, class, and gender.

]Just imagine if a PhD candidate wasn't required to do a literature survey as part of her dissertation work, but instead her advisor and thesis committee were required to approve her degree unless they and their TAs could affirmatively demonstrate that her research was insufficiently novel.

I find it amazing how often supposedly substantive discussions about Wikileaks and Julian Assange go on without any explicit mention or acknowledgment of what I've always considered his central thesis:----"The non linear effects of leaks on unjust systems of governance[...]The more secretive or unjust an organization is, the more leaks induce fear and paranoia in its leadership and planning coterie.

Thesis definitions


an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument


a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree

See also: dissertation