Humped in a sentence as an adjective

Those are some awesome humped horses and cows.

He was a machine gunner and he humped his heart out but it was painful to watch.

> "This chart shows the double-humped peaks of deaths during the 1918 flu in St. Louis.

The protest is aimed at revival of the native humped bull, called the zebu.

Shelling out a grand every time your vehicle gets humped by a shopping cart will add up quick.

Then you want to disable mouse acceleration, and you're humped.

If some contagion wiped out all of our crop plants and we had to go back to wild crops we would be absolutely humped as a species.

If it is a sarcasm, then please mind that original comment author got really humped by this app's vendor when it stopped working.

Take a look at the plot on pg. 12, that shows "a 'triple humped' spectral structure, indicating that at the time of the observation, there were three distinct hydrogen clouds within the field-of-view of the radio telescope.

The combined probability distributions for frogs coming from the two doors will be the sum of two individual Gaussians, so it will be a "two-humped" distribution.

Following are comments by WHO epidemiologist Bruce Aylward in the following articles:> He [Aylward] pointed to humped graphs of cases over time—they are the shape of an epidemic that has been hobbled, he said.

My understanding was that the size of the changes and the probability of moving to lower fitness fitness levels did not decrease uniformly but moved down then up then down and up in a humped-shaped pattern, but the wikipedia page disagrees with me.

Humped definitions


characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an abnormality of the vertebral column

See also: crookback crookbacked humpbacked hunchbacked gibbous kyphotic