Hunchbacked in a sentence as an adjective

The famous "shoulders of giants" quote has been seen by some as a mean dig at the hunchbacked Hooke.

One of the suggestions is that this was intended as an insult to a rival, Hooke, who was short and hunchbacked.

One day, enraged by another loss, the fishermen assaulted a hunchbacked hermit deemed culprit of the town's misery.

Igors are a people inspired from the typical hunchbacked Igor archetype, but in Discworld, they are also self-modifiers.

He has an unconvincing forced jubilance, wedded to a lurking, hunchbacked rigidity.

Hunchbacked definitions


characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an abnormality of the vertebral column

See also: crookback crookbacked humped humpbacked gibbous kyphotic