Homonym in a sentence as a noun

You've got a misused homonym/heterograph on the front, though. You have "claws" and you want it spelled "clause".

Funniest instance of this misused homonym I've seen.

Welsh" comes to mind too, though i was in my 20s when i realised it had racist origins and was not just a homonym.

You are thinking of "homophone" rather than "homonym." Baseball bat and vampire bat are homonyms.

Without sly ad homonym attacks this will be boring. the basic intent is to say that there is nothing but ego that requires the original officer to make the stop.

The name is based on the homonym between 'man' as short for 'manual' and 'man' as a synonym for 'male'. Though a tool for manuals the author chose the namesake by the identification with males.

I note that the writer has fallen into the trap of a false cognate - or, at least, a near-homonym - by writing "demure" when he/she meant "demur".

[1] it's a play on words and a homonym, "deke" comes from hockey where you dodge or fake out an opponent to get around them. It must be the Canadian school system further injecting hockey into our lives.

In modern times, homonym confusion usually results from spending too much time listening to words, and too little time reading them. For a print journalist, this is not an excuse.

You could have stolen the card of an homonym, so it kind of make sense. Printing a photo of the owner on credit cards would go a very long way and isn't too expensive, but this is a very high inertia industry.

That also means your statistical translator likely is worse, your homonym disambiguaties is worse, etc.

Looking at Wikipedia and some dictionaries, it looks like homonym doesn't always imply same spelling. Homophone would be more correct though.

It is based off job boards and internet search trends, and is highly susceptible to homonym confusion, which is especially harmul in the case of "go".

Clojure is probably one of my favorite language name ever; it's an homonym of an extremely important concept in the language, the 'j' in the name refers to the Java/JVM ecosystem and it's very easy to google for.

Homonym definitions


two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings