Hieroglyphic in a sentence as a noun

It's not like this folk used hieroglyphic alphabet when the rest of the country used latin letters.

Only the last 14 lines of the hieroglyphic text can be seen; all of them are broken on the right side, and 12 of them on the left.

If I write my vote in hieroglyphic etchings on an old shoe and post it to the first lady, I can't expect my vote to be counted.

Of course, there wasn't a Google then, but how do you look up a picture in a dictionary?We've reverted to hieroglyphic languages.

It's not even convincing that this will be a good hieroglyphic system, let alone better than the alphabet.

I see some sort of hieroglyphic character that looks like a seagull over a pistol over a sort of upside-down fishhook.

Hieroglyphic in a sentence as an adjective

Thankfully the hieroglyphic display orthography I’m using has the same problem.

Damage to the name strongly suggests that the attack took place during the Pharaonic period when hieroglyphic writing was still understood.

Now you're aiming for the laurels of hieroglyphic writing, which has kind of lost almost every battle it fought with alphabets and syllabaries for the last couple of thousand years.

Anyone with compiler design experience knows that the same is possible with the PC /Amiga syntax, like DMD does, nothing special about GCC's hieroglyphic syntax.

The disc ... features 241 tokens, comprising 45 unique signs, which were apparently made by pressing hieroglyphic "seals" into a disc of soft clay, in a clockwise sequence spiraling toward the disc's center.

No doubt that over-reliance on icons leads to poor user experience - Gmail went in that hieroglyphic direction, they replaced a "spam" label with some mysterious octagon etc. - but too much of anything is bad.

Hieroglyphic definitions


writing that resembles hieroglyphics (usually by being illegible)

See also: hieroglyph


a writing system using picture symbols; used in ancient Egypt

See also: hieroglyph


resembling hieroglyphic writing

See also: hieroglyphical


written in or belonging to a writing system using pictorial symbols

See also: hieroglyphical