Hieroglyph in a sentence as a noun

There are lots and lots of hieroglyph written on these walls.

Does anyone know what the “penis playing croquet” hieroglyph is supposed to be?

Tone of comment aside, I do have to agree that that sample is fairly hieroglyph heavy.

I hadn't realized esr was suggesting the glider as a sort of hieroglyph of hackerness.

People have things to do, figuring out which hieroglyph on their camera app does what they want is probably low on the list.

Neither scream "share" to me, especially when there's no text accompanying the hieroglyph.

"Sorry, but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number, a haiku, a gang sign, a hieroglyph, and the blood of a virgin.

At this point, the phone handset icon is barely even an icon it's essentially become a pictogram or a hieroglyph.

"I loved the hieroglyph page; I think that functional programming failed for years as an engineering discipline because of the culture of that style of code.

I don't know how the Met can demand licensing terms for a scan of a 3000-year-old hieroglyph with a straight face, especially since their mission statement claims they operate in service to the public [2].

The 'croquet' is a folded cloth, but might just be there to signify an 's' sound -- in a hieroglyph dictionary [1] it says "lead" or "guide", `seshem`, maybe because the penis on its own can mean bull or donkey, so maybe referring to animals that must be lead, just a guess.

Hieroglyph definitions


writing that resembles hieroglyphics (usually by being illegible)

See also: hieroglyphic


a writing system using picture symbols; used in ancient Egypt

See also: hieroglyphic