Orthography in a sentence as a noun

Japanese has a tonal system[1] that is not explicit in its orthography.

I'm wondering if they could work the phonetic angle since the "ph" orthography doesn't exist in spanish.

What you're referring to is not a problem of orthography, per se. It is a quality of the English language called "Sandhi"[1], and is fundamental to how we construct grammar.

That was imprecision because I was trying to avoid the quick discussion of Japanese orthography.

English is so horrible because it has no discernable orthography.

The public mind seems impressed with the difficulties of English orthography, and there is a solemn conviction that the chief end of man is to learn to spell.

Some of the most desirable TLDs today are assigned to random governments by pure accident of fate and orthography.

Did you even look at the pages in question?They are reproductions of the originals, and maintain the original fonts and orthography.

Business writers are conservative writers. They follow grammar rules closer, as well as orthography.

For clarity, when I talk about "grammar" here I'm talking about what Wikipedia calls "orthography", which is what I think the OP was talking about.

Some of those who majored in "orthography science" would go on to study it, comparing and contrasting the features of phonetic of symbolic writing methods.

Pronunciation will shift, elisions and contractions are going to happen, and the perfect match between orthography and pronunciation will evaporate.

Our historical orthography creates a link with our history and our culture; I can read Shakespeare even though Elizabethan pronounciation was startlingly different to today's.

There are of course exceptions with good reasons, but orthography systems are rarely, if ever, good representations of the systems of auditory communication that are formally considered languages.

While comments that focus only on the unfortunate orthography without making that connection might be a waste of time, I think using the visual representation as a symbol of the underlying problem has some validity.

Oddly enough, the main reason that phonemic scripts exist is precisely because languages tend to be non-isolatingin other words, modularity in a language leads to non-modularity in its orthography, and vice versa.

For example, in Chinese history it allowed mutually unintelligible dialects to more easily exchange information in writing, and it isolated orthography from shifts in pronunciation to a greater degree than possible with phonographic scripts.

English is an extraordinarily hard language for a foreign learner: the grammar is idiosyncratic and subtle, our use of prepositions is frankly bizarre, the orthography is about as difficult as they get, etc. etc. etc.. English is a dominant language for historical reasons, but it would be hard to choose a worse one on linguistic grounds.

Orthography definitions


a method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols