Hesitation in a sentence as a noun

The proposals don't sound great when I talk to people about them, and I can understand their hesitation.

I'd prefer my Xoom to any iPad without hesitation.

If this phone were available in the US today for $310, I would buy it today, without a bit of hesitation.

You know what, if you have hesitation about posting something, then you probably shouldn't.

A crucial part of the performance is appearing secure in your position, and any hesitation or stumble hurts you.

If Amazon had a service which gave me the cost and performance I expect to get from kivaloo I'd start using it without any hesitation.

I have issues with hesitation noises myself occasionally.

As far as I could tell, von Neumann was able on once reading a book or article to quote it back verbatim; moreover, he could do it years later without hesitation.

> This company has shown a great deal of integrity by fully cooperating with investigators and stepping up to the plate without hesitation to help make workers whole ...

So when this crisis bubbled up - there was no hesitation in action since there was a scientist/engineer in top leadership who was able to communicate to the board the severity of the situation.

For the past half century, we should have been treating our antibiotics like weapons of mass destruction - tools of last resort only to be used in emergencies, with great hesitation, and only when absolutely necessary.

""By St Dunstan," answered Gurth, "thou speakest but sad truths; little is left to us but the air we breathe, and that appears to have been reserved with much hesitation, solely for the purpose of enabling us to endure the tasks they lay upon our shoulders.

I will say this in the spirit of somebody who started competitive public speaking as therapy to overcome a speech disorder which would have been virtually disabling professionally: you can hack your way through hesitation noises.

Hesitation definitions


indecision in speech or action

See also: vacillation wavering


a certain degree of unwillingness; "a reluctance to commit himself"; "his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition"; "after some hesitation he agreed"

See also: reluctance hesitancy disinclination indisposition


the act of pausing uncertainly; "there was a hesitation in his speech"

See also: waver falter faltering