Disinclination in a sentence as a noun

For a slightly more antagonistic view, check out this post by Fred Wilson about his...let's say disinclination?

But at the same time, if that cultural disinclination is the only control on the welfare system, it's broken.

It's the inability or disinclination of leaders to herd those people into something useful.

The inability, or disinclination, to disprove a claim does not render that claim valid, nor give it any credence whatsoever.

For example...his disinclination to read a printed form...At the least, if a person consciously takes advantage of such weaknesses, he acts in bad faith.

There is a big disinclination toward Romanians in western Europe, probably because the mismatch with gypsies.

All we have at this point is the word of someone who admits technological disinclination, says he received a poor grade, and publicly accuses Panos of racism.

VR is similar - it's a societal disinclination, rather than a technological problem.

The gradually increasing disinclination to learn new stuff is the technologist's apoptosis.

> and it's obvious that person lives hand-to-mouthOr maybe he just has better things to do than hounding clients to comply with net 30 or net 90 terms?I think the disinclination to contract would be mutual in your cases.

A bright young woman considering law school, where she'll be in a 50-50 environment, or engineering school, where she'll be in a 20-80 environment, has a natural disinclination to choose the latter.

The truth is, there are enough "facts" that you can very probably tell a whole lot of different stories using the raw material, but people have a very strong disinclination to cognitive dissonance and won't do this.

Disinclination definitions


that toward which you are inclined to feel dislike; "his disinclination for modesty is well known"


a certain degree of unwillingness; "a reluctance to commit himself"; "his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition"; "after some hesitation he agreed"

See also: reluctance hesitancy hesitation indisposition