Wavering in a sentence as a noun

That sort of wavering doesn't bode well for customer trust.

Indeed, I've been wavering back and forth for over a month over what I should choose: each has its own set of pros and cons.

Yes, also I had much trust in the Swedish justice system, but after all the Pirate Bay and Assange stuff, my trust is wavering.

Hey Kevin,I never committed to it. I spent time questioning whether this was right for me, wavering between this and that, giving up, almost going back to work at what I was doing before.

This is one of the reasons politicians in Washington can't get anything done - wavering from your past views = hypocrisy.

Its interesting that theres another thread right now about how being unwavering on political issues.

So after some wavering about whether I wanted to go to college or push it off indefinitely, I decided to go to Stanford.

Every time I think of wavering and just getting a Zipcar to go to Trader Joe's for half an hour I just think of the service I received in the past and change my mind.

Wavering in a sentence as an adjective

What I find admirable, and where the emotion and strength lies, is that there isn't the slightest hint of wavering in the father's resolve--no pleading, no hand-wringing.

This would suggest that the only ethical use of this is for encouraging conversions of those that really do want to go ahead but are wavering because of the cost.

According to this article [1], with Ecuador wavering, Snowden as applied for asylum to 15 different countries, Russia among them.

MLK changing tactics after failure is not evidence of wavering resolve or belief, only a recognition that those tactics were not effective.

Ecuador afaik has been wavering a bit under US diplomatic pressure in the past week as far as I could tell, but I wonder if these now applications will impel them to act wrt Snowden.

Isn't A/B testing about as far from that as you could possibly get?If you are trying to get elected at the national level and you are A/B tesing, isn't wavering exactly what you are doing?

It's only through the passage of time, when all those events are compressed into a convenient explanatory narrative, that you can think of it as MLK Jr. being a constant, unwavering political force.

Wavering definitions


indecision in speech or action

See also: hesitation vacillation


the quality of being unsteady and subject to changes; "he kept a record of price fluctuations"

See also: fluctuation


uncertain in purpose or action

See also: vacillant vacillating