Guest in a sentence as a noun

This isn't "oh dear, my careless guest spilled wine on my TV. Buy me a new one guys.

"This is "the guest you sent me destroyed my home and sense of safety.

He added, If he wants to go somewhere and they accept him, please, be my guest.

In fact, that's probably one of the least important reasons to guest post or guest blog these days.

Select the "Autorun" file and hit "Enter" to run it.- You are now installing guest additions.

Not only security but there's the fact that the hotel owner isn't storing their prized valuables where guests can steal them.

" It reminded me of a story I was told of a dinner party at which one of the guests suffered from cerebral palsy.

I see this guest blog post was kindly submitted here today after making the rounds of my Facebook friends yesterday.

If they had the guest list beforehand, they had a responsibility to inform you of this issue before the trip.

This is a huge problem for restaurants in particular because the guest is not willing to pay full price for the product even if they liked it.

The host seeing that the guest was having trouble with her knife and fork immediately put down her own cutlery and started eating with her hands.

Because they can't really distinguish good guest posting from 'passable' guest posting, it's all done?Got news for you: guest blogging is relevant for many more reasons than Google.

During the process, you'll need to Alt+Tab to the new prompt window to hit enter every time you need to confirm something.- Once guest additions is installed, use the start menu to restart the virtual machine.

> Last week, I watched with bewilderment as India’s most vociferous talk show host, Arnab Goswami, repeatedly asked his guests if they expected an Indian diplomat who is paid $4,180 a month to pay her domestic servant $4,500 a month.

I think it was on The Daily Show where a guest talked about a documentary called Gideon's Army where they're talking exactly about this issue, and how prosecutors are forcing 90% of the people arrested to admit guilt this way, before they even get a trial.

In particular, the handoff between guest accounts and "real" trial accounts is of paramount importance to my business but is meaningless to customers who have guest accounts until they get to school, at which point they will often discover, to their surprise, that failing to make the decision yesterday to give me their email address now means their cards are totally inaccessible.

Guest definitions


a visitor to whom hospitality is extended

See also: invitee


United States journalist (born in England) noted for his syndicated homey verse (1881-1959)

See also: Guest


a customer of a hotel or restaurant etc.


(computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network

See also: node client