Paramount in a sentence as an adjective

And that is paramount for a democracy to work.

The performance of the algorithm or your code is not really paramount.

It's the best job I've ever had and as everyone knows, learning from and working with good folks is paramount.

The idea that weight is paramount bar none might be true for professional cyclists but not for everyone.

My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery.

But the smaller the paramount part the better.> You must also reboot to upgrade sysvinitYou don't

Simplicity and ease of learning are paramount, and it's easier to learn a language where any chunk of code basically follows the same rules as any other.

Good information is paramount in developing good opinions.

"one question has been paramount for privacy advocates: How do we, as a society, balance the need for security against the rights to privacy and freedom?

The purpose of an infographic is to make important, or otherwise difficult-to-communicate information available at a glance; accessibility is paramount.

In particular, the handoff between guest accounts and "real" trial accounts is of paramount importance to my business but is meaningless to customers who have guest accounts until they get to school, at which point they will often discover, to their surprise, that failing to make the decision yesterday to give me their email address now means their cards are totally inaccessible.

Paramount definitions


having superior power and influence; "the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism"

See also: overriding predominant predominate preponderant preponderating