Client in a sentence as a noun

It's a pain to do, but clients try and be sneaky.

Turns out clients, for the most part, could not care less how hard and fast we worked.

A desktop client for a web app that replaced a desktop client.

Say, let's see if the client can execute Javascript.

Let's break down some of the copy for this app:Prompt is a clean, crisp, and cheerful SSH clientWhat does that mean?

Sparrow is a fabulous email client both for iOS and Mac.

BofA was really late to the game in offering clients sub-prime mortgages and the like.

Releasing free/open source clients and servers should follow.

From CTO of 10genFirst, I tried to find any client of ours with a track record like this and have been unsuccessful.

What does a clean ssh client do; not commit any protocol violations?

It's got the clunky mail client, it's got the calendar and you can invite people to a meeting/party.

It's inevitable people will reverse engineer the client, as was done with MSN, Y!

The Chinese government requested that we modify the WoW client so that they could intercept all chat.

We have never shipped a release with a secret bug or anything remotely close to that and then secretly told certain clients.

But that's no excuse for leading us toward a world where the only practical choices are proprietary chat clients and protocols.

A lot of people seem to think that Single Page App frameworks like Angular/Ember are suitable for use on the public facing client side.

"/who #channel" listed thousands of compromised clients, including hundreds with .edu hostnames.

You don't even need to have a lawyer when you say that, but the prospect of your lawyer going to the employment commission and saying "My client was denied wages.

I spent hours running a packet sniffer and seeing how the client interacted with the IRC network it called home to. Upon connecting to the privately run IRC network, the bot would authenticate with a user and pass.

Monitor > your replication status!If you mean that an error condition can occur without issuing errors to a client, then yes, this is possible.

Most importantly, he ran interference when it came to the clients and laid down and enforced very sane timetables for completion of projects and features.

This came about because of the long-obsolete notion that Internet access is a difficult and expensive commodity that requires that the client must keep a mirror of what's on the server.

If you're writing throwaway code for a client with loose constraints and a tight deadline you'll write code differently then you would when you expect to maintain a long term relationship with a client who expects a high degree of correctness.

][edit: It also occurred to me to verify the other direction: in fact, if you go to send a message, first the client sends something to the developer's server, which then returns a packet which, along with again the exactly 7 extra bytes, is sent to Apple's server.

Given that this will likely trigger an audit and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines for you, how about we just agree to give my client what he has coming to him, and you report an inadvertent paperwork screwup to the tax authority when you pay your fair share?

Is the ssh client really happy that it can make a TCP connection to the intarwebs, especially for me?What does this sentence mean to someone that wants to ssh from their phone?it helps you when you need it, and stays out of your way when you dontSo when I want to be sshing, I can run it, and when I don't want to be sshing, I don't have to run it?

Client definitions


a person who seeks the advice of a lawyer


someone who pays for goods or services

See also: customer


(computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network

See also: node guest