Guardianship in a sentence as a noun

Involve child services if guardianship is transferred in the area?

We learned a lot about blindness from having guardianship of our blind teenage nephew for a year.

In modern society it is implied, that person taking ***** is losing their free will and requires guardianship.

The court will designate how much is to be set aside and saved for the minor under guardianship until the minor becomes 18 years old.

Here's the most relevant part: Even from birth, the parental ownership is not absolute but of a "trustee" or guardianship kind.

I would naively assume that a homeless dude is unlikely to be applying for legal guardianship of his grandmother with dementia

This does not do anything to increase my confidence in the Maven project's guardianship of our collective security.

That's why if my spouse and I die unexpectedly, the guardianship of our minor children is now separated from the trusteeship for their inheritance.

Of course, sometimes "what it takes" involves a degree of ruthlessness which allows you to put not only your finances, but you marriage and your guardianship of your children at stake.

They are the "resilient children" and their ability usually came from a shielding of negative influence through quality parenting or guardianship.

The idea behind having laws to transfer guardianship is to get kids to stay with family members and to keep them out of trouble if say immediate parents create an unsafe environment.

I'd be willing to bet there are an order of magnitude or more kids suffering abuse and neglect living with their biological parents than there are living in a "private guardianship" arrangement.

The legal ramifications are the same as well: Property rights under the union, taxation, child guardianship, visitation, protection upon dissolution, and wills.

Should all parents of Downs Syndrome or other profoundly ******** children be deprived of their supervisory and guardianship privileges over adult children lest these be classified "lesser human beings"?

Between guardianship and freedom?Criticism of the the Citizens United decision overlooks the specifics of the case, which are actually very illustrative of the danger of making exceptions to Freedom of Speech.

According to Mr. Khomeini, your average adult Iranian is technically a "minor" that requires the "guardianship" of an "adult".Are you a child or are you a citizen of a nation which had enshrined Free Speech as a fundamental instrument of its constitution and essence?

This line in the original story was also evidence of the expectation of guardianship/protection: I was a deer in headlights staring into the eyes of the two \n male bartenders hoping someone would help me.\n\nI don't know about you, but I can think of exactly one time in my life when I felt like a deer in headlights and that was in 2002 when I had an M16 in my face and a 9mm pointed at my temple.

Everyone who would want to interact with members of the public to sell certain classes of products or services, who now have to conduct due diligence to ensure they are not dealing with something akin to an adult child in the law's eyes, because rather than the surrogate guardian supervising their ward, the guardian attempts to make the entire world a safe space, by imposing some of the obligations of guardianship onto society at large.

Guardianship definitions


attention and management implying responsibility for safety; "he is in the care of a bodyguard"

See also: care charge tutelage


the responsibility of a guardian or keeper; "he left his car in my keeping"

See also: keeping safekeeping