Grumpy in a sentence as an adjective

Allow me to be a little grumpy:I hate tabloidy headlines with question marks.

I know I'll just sound like another grumpy Android user here, but why launch with an iPhone app only?

You can see them used in the article below.⚫ And if I sound ******* grumpy, it's because I am ******* grumpy.

At first I got emotional, and a good 75% of the time I would have stopped there, feeling grumpy and hating assholes on the internet.

Like a grumpy old uncle who says inappropriate things at family reunions, at some point in your life you just stop pretending.

Maybe instead of sitting there getting grumpy that a stranger was looking at a screen this guy could have just had a conversation with the person at his table?

Apparently I'm grumpy beyond my years but I find these lighthearted jabs at the NSA counter-productive as they just trivialize what happened.

In each case, it was way too easy for the team to say "Old Jim is just a grumpy old guy, cranky and he has a bad attitude" than it was to meet Jim half-way and go forward.

Another had a better analogy: "It's like having a busload of grumpy senior citizens show up at your store, picking through stuff, complaining about the prices, going on about irrelevant things, and generally being ornery, obnoxious and trashing everything that you've done.

Besides, there's a whole new world of applications to be built out there, if we were rewriting libtool every three months we'd move even more slowly than we do now.Oh, and I wish I could say your rant is unbefitting of professionals of your age, but I'm afraid it's actually quite matching the grumpy-old-man stereotype you're clearly striving for. Hey look, I can do ad-hominem too, and I was born in the late 70s!

Grumpy definitions


annoyed and irritable

See also: crabbed crabby cross fussy grouchy bad-tempered ill-tempered