Irrelevant in a sentence as an adjective

He was going into lots of irrelevant detail -- specs, etc.

It's completely irrelevant what I think about that.

Again, this is completely irrelevant if you're following the right metrics - results.

When you can build a mobile app and business for $50k the capital markets are basically irrelevant to you.

That you recommended a different option is irrelevant.

It's only fraud if he does not actually intend to reside there, the motivation behind that intent is completely irrelevant.

The technical specs are completely irrelevant to the interests of the majority of consumers.

I suspect in reality, he was one of many people that were exposed to this idea and his opinion was mostly irrelevant in their efforts to pursue the idea.

Because not reading someone under arrest the Miranda warning is constitutionally irrelevant in and of itself.

* Simple diffing would prevent deliberate obfuscation tactics like burying provisions deep inside piles of irrelevant stuff.

How could they have left out the patronizing irrelevant [0] links [1] to Wikipedia [2] in all the wannabe-academic [3] comments with references[4]?

Meanwhile, there are plenty of startups and essentially irrelevant companies that already disregard the rules and write their own freaking wikipedia pages anyway.

It's developing that filter experts have which separates relevant information from irrelevant information.

Another had a better analogy: "It's like having a busload of grumpy senior citizens show up at your store, picking through stuff, complaining about the prices, going on about irrelevant things, and generally being ornery, obnoxious and trashing everything that you've done.

Irrelevant definitions


having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "an irrelevant comment"; "irrelevant allegations"