Fussy in a sentence as an adjective

Don't do that, if only because it'll drive you to try to cook fussy stuff.

There are two big reasons for this:* RSA has fussy padding requirements.

With TestFlight, it's very un-fussy to send test builds on iOS as well.

We both change diapers, we both bathe her, we both hold her and comfort her when she's fussy.

I'm not a fan of the lack of exceptions in Go, but it's not a dealbreaker for me. I feel like Go code is very cluttered and fussy.

IQ is normalized at 100, fussy to test, and has questionable meaning.

And yes, requirements shift and clients get fussy, but that's true of any engineering discipline.

The precision was chosen so the answer would be exactly 3[s], but other examples aren't that fussy.

But I agree that developers can be annoyingly fussy about things that actually do not matter at all.

I can imagine some really cool tactical battle sims, since the buildings have interiors, but things getting hidden by buildings might make it a bit fussy.

It's raw SQL, and the database libraries are fussy.> The thing that makes Rails so easy to write in, especially for newcomers, is ActiveRecord.

That model works for people like me, who use it to secure corp-to-corp communications where I have very specific and fussy requirements for whose keys I'm interacting with.

Probably not a good time to tell you I have mine sitting next to me on the desk running Debian!It's a great little board - it's early days and there are a few rough edges; for example, they're especially fussy about the 5V supply rail and some people are having issues with cheaper micro USB cables and adapters, for example, things work well until the CPU gets a bit loaded, current draw goes up, the 5V rail drops a bit and the network disappears.

Fussy definitions


annoyed and irritable

See also: crabbed crabby cross grouchy grumpy bad-tempered ill-tempered


overcrowded or cluttered with detail; "a busy painting"; "a fussy design"

See also: busy


exacting especially about details; "a finicky eater"; "fussy about clothes"; "very particular about how her food was prepared"

See also: finical finicky particular picky