Gregarious in a sentence as an adjective

Of course I, being a gregarious sort, answered the messages.

I don't really know why that is - just a more gregarious bunch in general, I think.

It's also weird that he refuses to talk, but then his children are gregarious about it.

I'm not an engineer but there are many in my family and they're not the most gregarious sort.

Let the 'gregarious' go elsewhere and live in the land of forum signatures, endless bike shedding, and editor wars once again.

A Terry Pratchett quote seems appropriate:"Witches are not by nature gregarious, at least with other witches, and they certainly don't have leaders.

People at that end of the market are socially gregarious, wealthy, often into conspicuous consumption... and they always have friends just like them.

His daughter wanted to be a nurse but couldn't make it through nursing school, one of his sons is a prison guard, the gregarious one is a fantastic jewelry salesman.

I'm moderately gregarious in general, but after a drink I become extremely outgoing and confident.

Of course, It would only really make sense if whole topics could be pushed there with all their comments and votes intact; otherwise it would just be a ghetto to shove overly-gregarious users into.

I thought the option to select an avatar in the seating layout was an interesting feature: so the gregarious can sit with the gregarious, the droolers with the droolers, and the taciturn with the taciturn.

Daily \nis American, 2 meters tall, blond, blue-eyed, khaki-and-polo-shirted, gregarious, \nabsolutely plain-spoken, and almost always seems to be having a great time.

You can be extroverted and shy, or introverted and gregarious[0].The rest of your comment is still basically correct if you substitute the word introverted for shy, but this is a very common misconception about introversion I wanted to point out.[0] Susan Cain did an op-ed in the WSJ or NYT explaining this distinction in more detail a while back.

Gregarious definitions


(of animals) tending to form a group with others of the same species; "gregarious bird species"


instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others; "he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude"


(of plants) growing in groups that are close together