Conjunction in a sentence as a noun

A run-on is when two or more independent clauses are joined without a conjunction or the like.

In your example, "however" functions as the conjunction.

I clicked and just assumed it was the Ruby server, I've even seen that logo used in conjunction with Unicorn before.

When used in conjunction with manners, GoAgain provides zero-downtime restarts without any dropped requests.

The argument that out of the space of all possible designs for a tablet, they own the subset defined by the conjunction of "rounded corners AND flat front surface AND uncluttered design AND thin profile etc." is absurdly overbroad.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.

The definition of an enemy for the state always includes some of its citizens, so you end up with scope creep where formerly completely illegal and unthinkable acts are considered normal, just because the word terrorism has been used in conjunction with a person or organisation.

"[3] - Seems like view panning essentiallyThese are the exact same type of patents that Apple alleges infringement by Samsung.-"A computer-implemented method for use in conjunction with a computing device with a touch screen display comprises: detecting one or more finger contacts with the touch screen display, applying one or more heuristics to the one or more finger contacts to determine a command for the device, and processing the command.

It should be used in conjunction with a multi-faceted interviewing approach that involves testing fundamentals, the ability to construct a relatively simple algorithm, the issues of working on a team and on a production code base and systems design.- the problem with simply talking about "real world" code, as the author suggests, is you're no longer finding a good engineer, you're finding someone you like, someone who thinks like you.

From YogaGlo's blog [1]:"Our patent application clearly outlines that the \n“look and feel” of a YogaGlo online streaming class \nis comprised of the following elements that all must be present in conjunction with one another: position of \ncamera, position of the teacher, position of the mats relative to the camera and the teacher, an open corridor down \nthe middle, the teacher must be facing the camera, \nthe students must be facing the teacher, etc. We are \nnot seeking to patent a camera angle.

Conjunction definitions


the temporal property of two things happening at the same time; "the interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable"

See also: concurrence coincidence co-occurrence


the state of being joined together

See also: junction conjugation colligation


an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences

See also: conjunctive connective continuative


the grammatical relation between linguistic units (words or phrases or clauses) that are connected by a conjunction


(astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac

See also: alignment


something that joins or connects

See also: junction