Gory in a sentence as an adjective

They were gory, and violent, and brutal and complex.

Without going into the gory details, suffice it to say, it is horrible.

They need to convince her that it is no longer in her best interests to spout the gory details on her blog.

I pay them to abstract me away from the gory details... if I wanted to deal with that stuff I'd pay people to build it in house.

I took a bunch of semesters of screenplay writing where this stuff is actually taught in some gory detail - how to keep the viewer hooked.

Our intuition doesn't tell us when they apply and when they don't, so we have to be systematic about it, and that means "gory details".

" It's not particularly gory, but the impression of just how fragile people are in modern engagements is hard to shake.

As a start-up CEO in the hiring-efficiency space, I get to see a lot of company's hiring process in gory detail.

But I'm more weirded out by the fact that some really gory stuff is really popular, than I am by anything that comes out of the game or music industries.

Simon Krajewski did an amazing job writing the manual - it's a great resource and has all the gory technical detail - I'd encourage you to take a look.

I don't know, a week of lost sleep seems like a pretty cheap price to pay for not growing up into the average "TV shows gory pictures of terrorists blowing up something?

Many people may not care, but it would be very comforting to those that do if you had a document somewhere that explained exactly, in gory detail, where and how BankSimple fits in between the customer and the bank.

[1] The gory details here, including something I wasn't aware of until now: NVidia GPUs lack an instruction for a certain operation necessary for SHA-2 hashing that costs them a couple of instructions each loop to emulate.

When something like jQuery comes along, hiding so many gory details, and has been tested to death both in development and in production use all over the world, we are all better off because we remove so much failure surface area from our code.

You can circumvent that by having multiple separate heaps, but that's not always a practical solution.- Reference counting is slow; if you want GC-like speed and RC-like pause time guarantees, you're probably better off with deferred reference counting, but that's not easy to engineer into C++; it's essentially a form of garbage collection.- Lack of fully automatic memory management may affect modularity adversely; see Jones/Lins for the gory details.

Gory definitions


covered with blood; "a bloodstained shirt"; "a gory dagger"

See also: bloodstained


accompanied by bloodshed; "this bitter and sanguinary war"

See also: sanguinary sanguineous slaughterous butcherly