Bloodstained in a sentence as an adjective

Even new words, like "OK" and "bloodstained." If people really want to ***** about David that much, there are much, much better grounds they can find than this.

You do them because they are nothing like a bloodstained knife or an IED. That is the point. They are all "bad", but on a whole different level.

Fallout 3 has that great bit in the vault tec exhibit with scruffy bloodstained walls and flickering lights. Great environmental story telling.

Revenue obtained from that government is as bloodstained as any capitalist money, and most sources of profit can be dismissed as exploitive. its quite literally the point of profits.

Sure, sounds like wishful thinking, or something that would require some kind of ultimate class-based warfare, but I do believe this path can be achieve without a bloodstained revolution. The alternative is to be enslaved by the plutocracy and eventually to die off as a species, in the far future.

The 'bloodstained' variant the company used is associated with the Hong Kong protests; not hard to see why the symbolism might appeal to people who style themselves as anti-government extremists. I'm sure the design's resemblance to the Hawaiian shirts already used by the Booglaoos helps it sell too.

Bloodstained definitions


covered with blood; "a bloodstained shirt"; "a gory dagger"

See also: gory