Goosey in a sentence as an adjective

So yes, Fexl is very "loosey-goosey" that way.

You declare basic types and it's fairly loosey goosey about them.

The complaint that MySQL is by default loosey-goosey with your data is valid, but it's an easy default to change.

In parts it reads like he's finally figured out that he was way too loosey-goosey with feel-good ideas that he wasn't ready to fight for.

This /could/ simply be that the kind of PM who makes a schedule based on snapshot of an engineer's loosey-goosey list is a clueless git who is not to be trusted.

Sometimes the general, permissive loosey-goosey system is what you want.

[1]At the start, it's easy to get impression that it's all loosey-goosey-everything-works kinda thing, and it actually small scale!

The security involved with this WSJ thing is opaque, and sounds loosey-goosey based on the Delany paraphrase here.

He also defined a "founder" as "an early employee, who typically joined the company in its first year..." so his definition of "founder" is also pretty loosey-goosey.

Its loosey-goosey flexibility that always assumes the programmer knows best leads to an awesome fluidity that finds its around any obstacle.

Goosey definitions


having or revealing stupidity; "ridiculous anserine behavior"; "a dopey answer"; "a dopey kid"; "some fool idea about rewriting authors' books"

See also: anserine dopy dopey foolish goosy gooselike jerky