Dopey in a sentence as an adjective

"Steve used to say to me -- and he used to say this a lot -- "Hey Jony, here's a dopey idea.

The last thing this world needs is a bunch of dopey-happy workers who can't stop humming and grinning.

Sure, it did for me. I think mental models are important, and that it's kind of dopey to call something by a confusing name.

Postgres may not be perfect, but it's certainly not as consistently dopey as MySQL.

" He empowered what is in the end a very dopey PM organization.

Meebo was started by Stanford grads...Can we please get over this dopey fixation on big-name elite schools?

He's excellent at playing nice, slightly dopey characters.

Now, it's some dopey legal thing, but when you give the patent to the government, the document you sign is not a legal document unless there's some exchange, so the paper I signed said, "For the sum of one dollar, I, Richard P. Feynman, give this idea to the government .

Go look at your character creation process: choose one of 7 uninspired archetypes, listen to the dopey grimdark backstory, and sign up for the railroad characterization.

Even if OSM reaches a usable state at a given moment, the world keeps changing to invalidate previously traced data, and OSM's policy ensures it will always be playing catch-up no matter who wants to donate data, because all the data has to come through this dopey manual process.

Dopey definitions


having or revealing stupidity; "ridiculous anserine behavior"; "a dopey answer"; "a dopey kid"; "some fool idea about rewriting authors' books"

See also: anserine dopy foolish goosey goosy gooselike jerky